

Welcome to the 3VB Group Litigation Blog. These pages provide up to date information on group litigation developments and a space for discussion of novel issues. Group litigation is a fast moving area which continues to evolve at high speed. We hope you find these articles useful and welcome feedback.

As we expand the blog, we look forward to developing conversation with our readers in respect of procedural and strategic issues that arise.

About the 3VB group litigation team

3VB deal with all forms of commercial group litigation ranging from group litigation orders with thousands of claimants to representative actions and test claims brought by a single claimant.

We have established expertise in group actions on both claimant and defendant side relating to securities litigation, banking litigation, investment schemes, consumer rights actions, and data breach.

Members of chambers are acting on most of the current major group financial disputes and many group consumer disputes, including the Glencore and Serco securities disputes, the NOx diesel emissions litigation, and the PPI group claims.

Recent 3VB group actions include the G4S, RSA and Tesco s90A securities claims; the Eclipse and Ingenious investor claims; and the Farol v Clydesdale trial. 3VB represented both claimant and defendant parties in the seminal RBS Rights Issue Litigation.

None of the articles posted on this blog are intended to be legal advice and are no substitute for legal advice. The articles are provided for discussion purposes and represent the personal views of the contributor. None of the views expressed in articles represent those of any client (past or present) of the contributor or the editorial team.